About TeaJoy

About TeaJoy Daily Devotionals 

Hello, beautiful tea lovers! My name is Kia Coquoz and I am the founder and owner of TeaJoy Daily Devotionals. Growing up in Colorado, passion was always a driving force in my life. Things that I would do or start I was deeply passionate about and would dedicate everything that I had towards it. In my early years, that was a passion for dance, drinking tea, and serving at my church in the children's ministry. After graduating high school, I decided to go to Bible College and went on to receive a degree in Biblical Studies. I was blessed to do a lot of mission work and to do a semester in Europe. I found this passion for missions and bringing joy to people. I was ready to jump onto the mission field as soon as I graduated college, but the Lord had other plans for me. Soon after graduating college, I began dancing professionally with a Christian dance company based in Colorado. During that season the Lord blessed me incredibly with using my passion for His Word and for dance to bring joy to people and shine His light all over Colorado and the Mid-West. During that time I met my incredible husband, Jordan, and right at the beginning of Covid, we got married. A year into marriage, Jordan and I decided to move to Connecticut so Jordan could pursue a Masters's degree. I knew that the Lord was leading and guiding me into something. I started thinking I could write a book or something like that, but I didn’t know what to write about. Then I thought about writing daily devotionals. My husband thought about pairing the devotionals with something cozy, like tea. As we kept thinking, praying, and daydreaming I dedicated my time to writing devotionals and pairing them with tea that we blended ourselves! While living in Connecticut, something that started as a daydream had blossomed into this wonderful combination of God’s Word, and tea that brings me so much joy. My hope and prayer is that these teas and devotionals will bring you closer in your relationship with the Lord and bring you so much joy.

TeaJoy is a marriage of my love for the Lord and my love for healthy, high-quality teas. As I was researching how to get started in tea blending, I took classes through a Tea Master and I became a certified Tea Sommelier. I researched how to get high-quality, organic, and ethically sourced tea and herbs for all of our blends. All of our teas are prayed over in the blending process, while mixing, during bagging, and while I place them in each and every box. Writing the devotionals has been growing in my journey with the Lord. I have prayed through every step along the way. I wanted TeaJoy to be a reflection of the Lord and how He has led me throughout my life. 

You, beautiful tea lover, have been the center of this project. I pray that you will be encouraged in your walk with the Lord. I pray that you will find deeper joy in Him. I pray that each cup of tea is not only enjoyable but healthy and good for your body. I pray that the Lord will reveal more of Himself to you every day as He has for me. 

Love Always

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