Wow, a new week already. I hope this month is going well for you. I hope that you are still crushing all of your New Year's goals and I pray that you are digging into the Lord more than ever before this year.
I know a lot of us make goals this time of year to read through the Bible in the year and that is so good! But it is not always easy to stay focused on your Bible reading plan or stay dedicated to waking up early to start a devotional habit. Trust me, my Bible reading time isn't perfect either! But what I have learned over the years is that God wants our nearness, not trying to do everything perfectly. I love that if we make great plans to read the Bible in a year or spend time reading the Bible every single day, and then we miss a day or several, God is not upset! If we "mess up" our reading plans or sleep in instead of getting up to pray. As long as we push back in for nearness and not a perfect streak!
God wants our nearness, not perfection. If you don't have time every day to get up early and spend hours reading your Bible in the perfect chair, with the perfect cup of tea and candle lit, that is OK!! Sometimes nearness to God looks like talking to Him and thanking Him for your family while you are washing dishes or folding laundry. Nearness can look like putting on worship music in the car while you commute.
I will always encourage you to read your Bible and add devotional time to your day, but I also want to encourage you not to beat yourself up if it doesn't look perfect every day. I encourage you to press into God whenever you can and however it may look like!
"Come close to God and He will come close to you." James 4:8
Peace and joy,
Kia Coquoz
TeaJoy Daily Devotionals