Happy Monday!
I hope that January has treated you well. It is wild that we are already three weeks into 2025. The Lord has already shown me and taught me so much in these first three weeks of the year. I know this year will be full of growth and deepening in my faith, and I pray that over you as well.
If you remember back a couple of weeks, I said that my theme for 2025 is Unapologetically Bold. I was reading the other day in Matthew and the Lord highlighted a section of this story to me and wanted to start teaching me about how to love an Unapologetically Bold life for Him.
In the passage above, we see how Jesus came walking on the water and calmed the storm. This is also a passage where Peter gets a lot of grief for his lack of faith. If we dig a little bit, we can see how Peter shows us how to walk in Unapologetic Boldness.
If we look back into the gospels, this is the second time the Disciples were in a similar setting. This is not the first time they were in a boat on that same water, a storm rose, and Jesus calmed the wind and the waves. This was the second time it happened and they showed the same fear the second time around. This actually is encouraging to me! This shows that when similar trials come into our lives, they can still be scary, but are we going to let fear keep us in the boat, or will we walk out on the water as Peter did?
See, there is a detail that Matthew adds to this account that caught my eye this time I read it. It says in verse 32, "And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down." The storm was in full effect when Peter was bold enough to step out of the boat and walk on the water toward Jesus. It wasn't until after they got back in the boat that the storm died down. I believe that God is calling us to live this kind of faith, that even in the midst of a storm, we still step out in faith. Are we bold enough to step out in faith toward Jesus when times are hard? When the conditions are wild, can we still have faith to step out? Can I be bold enough to still be generous when funds are tight? Can I be bold enough to still love others around me if I face heartbreak or I am grieving a loved one?
Peter got to be a part of a miracle because he was Unapologetically Bold in the midst of an uncertain time. What miracles does the Lord want to do in your life if you will just choose to step out of the boat in the midst of the storm and not wait for the waves to calm down before stepping out in faith?
I pray this was as encouraging to you as it was to me. I pray that the Lord will show you places in your life to step out of the boat this week!
Peace and joy, Kia Coquoz - TeaJoy Daily Devotionals