Hello and happy Monday,
I love this time of year when everything is pink and flowers are everywhere! I love Valentine's Day. I feel like this day is such a great ray of sunshine in the dark winter months. But I know that Valentine's Day is not everyone's cup of tea.
Whether you walk into this week excited about Valentine's Day or you are just trying to get through this week, I want to encourage you that you are so loved.
People are going to fail us, and sadly, we all will face heartbreak. But God Loves You. He loves you so deeply. I want to remind you today that on your best day and your worst day, God still loves you. You might be crushing it or drowning in sin and shame, but God STILL loves you.
When humanity fell into sin, there was a divide between the perfection of God and humans. God wouldn't let that divide stay so He sent Jesus, His only Son to come to this world and die for you and me. Jesus' death brought the forgiveness of sin that we needed. But Jesus didn't stay dead! With Jesus' resurrection, He brought us life and nearness to God. Now we get to live with the Holy Spirit on the inside. We get to walk with the God of the universe EVERY DAY. He will never leave you! He will stick closer than a brother. He loves you more than you could ever imagine.
So this week, whether you are celebrating or not, I want to encourage you to make yourself some tea, pick up some chocolate-covered strawberries, and take time to really praise and thank God for His amazing love and grace towards you!
Peace, joy, and love, Kia Coquoz - TeaJoy Daily Devotionals